It's Homecoming Spirit Week! As a reminder, please ensure all costumes abide by our dress code policy as well as match the daily theme.
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Homecoming Calendar
Our PDQ fundraiser is happening now! You can earn money for your favorite club, sports team or student organization. Join our "$50 for 50" kick-off challenge! Students who turn in sales of 50 cards by Monday morning before 8am to the front office receptionist will be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift card of their choice. Winner will be drawn Monday during homeroom. Start selling today and earn your chance to win $50!
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
PDQ Challenge
This week, several of our school leaders attended the Florida Charter School Conference in Orlando, FL. The conference is an annual gathering of charter school advocates, educators, and governing board members. In attendance: Mr. Healey, Assistant Principal, Ms. Hodgens, Board Member and Conference Presenter, Ms. Fernandez, Principal, and Ms. Jones, Intervention Specialist and Department Head.
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Charter School Conference
Our PDQ fundraiser is happening now! You can earn money for your favorite club, sports team or student organization. Join our "$50 for 50" kick-off challenge! Students who turn in sales of 50 cards by Monday morning before 8am to the front office receptionist will be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift card of their choice. Winner will be drawn Monday during homeroom. Start selling today and earn your chance to win $50!
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
PDQ Challenge
South University will be on campus Thursday, October 20th during all three lunches to inform students about their college options.
almost 2 years ago, Maggie Hedley
Winter Sports Tryout Information: All paperwork must be completed and your student athlete must be cleared on prior to tryouts. Varsity Boys Soccer Tryouts: Wednesday, October 19th and Thursday October 20th 3:45PM-5:45PM Temple Terrace Soccer Fields (6610 Whiteway Drive, Temple Terrace 33617) Coach Isaac’s email: Varsity Girls Soccer Tryouts: Thursday October 20th 3:45PM-5:45PM Temple Terrace Soccer Fields (6610 Whiteway Drive, Temple Terrace 33617) Coach Sharpe’s email: Varsity Girls Basketball Tryouts: Monday, October 24th 3:15PM-5:30PM BDCHS Gym Coach Wilbur’s email: JV and Varsity Boys Basketball Tryouts: Monday, October 31st Time TBD BDCHS Gym Varsity Coach Dumont’s email: JV Coach Atkinson’s email:
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Hey Phoenix family! Our PDQ fundraiser is officially underway. From now until Nov 8th, you can purchase $10 PDQ gift cards for just $7 each, with $3 from every card sold going directly to support our programs here at BDCHS. Buy online at or send in cash and checks to school with your student's PDQ envelope.
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
PDQ Cards
Congrats to Ms. Spivey, one of our Sunshine Committee members who collected the most spiders today in our spider escape competition! There may be some spiders still on the loose, as not all of them were accounted for at the end of the day...
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Ms. Spivey
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: Our teachers participated in several trainings today. We partnered with Frameworks of Tampa Bay who provided a workshop for our teachers that focused on Social/Emotional Learning.
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Ms. Fernandez with Frameworks
Frameworks Presentation
THANK YOU: To our amazing PAC for yet another surprise for our hard-working staff!
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Mr. Cram
Our amazing Phoenix Family doing what it takes to ensure our students are taken care of! Enjoy your long weekend! Monday is a non-student day.
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Ms.  Fernandez
Ms. Trask
Lunch Line
Ms. Berrios & Ms. Jones
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Homecoming Tickets
Donate for Hurricane Ian relief and earn PBIS points!
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Donation Drive
A Message from Principal Fernandez... BDCHS will be closed to students Monday, October 17th, as previously scheduled. District schools will be in session to make up for hurricane days, however our block scheduling and school hours provide us with more instructional time. We have submitted a proposal to the district showing that our calendar has been adjusted by giving up our early release dates for semester 1 and we are awaiting confirmation of our plan. We will notify you if any further changes will be made. I would also like to remind families that the school day begins at 8am. This means that students are required to be in their seats at 8am. We have been seeing a lot of tardies to school in the past few weeks and we need your assistance to make sure our students are in class on time. It would be very helpful to have your student on campus by 7:45. Students are released to class at 7:55. Media Center doors will be closing at 7:58. Students will then have to enter through the front door. Please note that late arrivals to school not only affect your student but all other students in the classroom as well. Students will excessive tardies for quarter one will be put on an attendance contract for the remainder of the semester. Thank you for your continued support. Principal Fernandez
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
BDCHS Families - please attend our PAC Workshop on Tuesday, October 11 at 6 pm in room 116. Frameworks of Tampa Bay will be our guests. They will share with us information on Emotional Intelligence, what it is, and how we can foster it in our students! PAC will also be drawing names for the Homecoming Tickets for the Phoenix Fund Incentive and share additional updates and news! All families who attend will earn one volunteer hour toward their volunteer hours. Questions? Email We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Sundae Fun Friday! Thank you to our families who donated to reach out goal for the Phoenix Fund! Students enjoyed their ice cream sundaes today at lunch. Check out the Facebook Live video from earlier today to see Coach Atkinson turn into a Human Sundae!
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Ice Cream Social
Ice Cream Social 2
FALL PICTURE MAKEUP DAY & SENIOR PANORAMIC: Save the date! Friday, October 14th Qualifications for makeups: -Absent on or new since picture day -Purchased a package and are returning the photos for a new photo -Planned to purchase and were unsatisfied with the photos -Retakes are NOT for new ID's (only if you are new or were absent)
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Photo Retake Day
Ms. Berrios, our faculty and staff Sunshine Committee Co-Chair delivered treats to our teachers this morning to brighten up their day!
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Sunshine Cart
EXTENSION! Our deadline has been extended to reach 50% of our Phoenix Fund goal! If we hit $25,000 in donations by Wednesday, Coach Atkinson will sit as our students transform him into a human ice cream sundae!  As of Monday morning we are already over $16,000 - that is two-thirds of the way there!  If every student collects just $50 in donations we would hit the challenge!  Students turning in donations will earn an Ice Cream Sundae Bar to enjoy on Friday!  DONATE TODAY @ or drop a check at the front office.
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey
Deadline Extension
Lunch Ordering: October lunch ordering is available on, and refunds for this week will be processed shortly.
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Healey