Black History Month Cultural Celebration: February 16th @ 6:00pm Please join us!
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Black History Month
CALLING ALL CHARTER SCHOOL STUDENTS: Submit your original art for our Charter School Black History Art Competition!
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Art Competition
SENIOR CLASS: Please order your cap and gown by January 31st!
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Cap and Gown
Congratulations to Devika Nair, Arjun Nair and Sreesh Byreddy for a job well done at our HOSA Regional Leadership Conference this weekend! Devika placed 1st in Medical Reading, Arjun placed 2nd in Medical Terminology and Sreesh placed 1st in Behavioral Health. They will go on to represent BDCHS at State Leadership Conference in April. From Nurse Klakring: All of our HOSA students did an amazing job and I am so proud of each of them. They all stretched themselves and worked very hard to prepare for this conference and even though not everyone placed, they represented BDCHS so well!
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
BDCHS HOSA is hosting a virtual fundraiser at all Panda Express locations this Thursday. Online ordering with a club code is required. This fundraiser code is valid at all Panda Express locations nationwide.
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
HOSA Fundraiser
Congratulations to BDCHS student Alex Chazares who received his Eagle badge and neckerchief. Read more here:
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Join us on January 19th from 6:00-7:00pm for the next Frameworks Workshop!
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
We hope that our BDCHS families had a joyous and restful winter break. Recently our faculty, staff and board members attended a holiday luncheon. Our co-founder and Board Chair, Mr. Derrick Brooks greeted and thanked our teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication to our school. We would like to recognize our board members and our PAC members for organizing and attending.
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Serving Line
Mr. Brooks
Deiah Riley, Board Member
Donated Cookies
The newly formed BDCHS Pep Squad has been working hard under the direction of Coach Gray and Coach Noyas. We look forward to seeing them cheer on our student athletes in the near future!
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Pep Squad
SENIOR SUNRISE: Students and staff enjoyed an early morning with snacks on the north field.
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise
SENIOR SUNRISE: Students and staff enjoyed an early morning with snacks on the north field.
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise
A Message from Principal Fernandez: What a wonderful time of year! It is hard to believe that the Holiday Season is quickly approaching. Due to the busy nature of the season, sometimes schedules and added responsibilities can cause stress. Concerts, parties, family visits and so many other events seem to be packed into a limited amount of time. Our first semester of the 2023 school year is quickly coming to an end. Students have been working hard on their courses and have taken advantage of our tutoring support in the mornings and afternoons by our dedicated teachers to assist in their academic journey. We are very proud of our school community and wish to send our thanks and gratitude to parents, guardians and caregivers who work hand in hand with the school in building a supportive community for our students. Our families work hard and advocate to be a partner in their children’s education, safety, and well-being. For this, we will always be so thankful. We are also grateful for our volunteers who enthusiastically provide so much to our school throughout the year. We are thankful for our students who come to BDCHS every day ready to learn. They provide us all with a daily reminder of why we are here and what is essential. We are grateful for the teachers, administrative assistants, clinic staff, support staff, counselors, and administrators who care about student success and have the best interests of our students in essence. We see dedicated and hard-working individuals going above and beyond to ensure great things happen in our school. They do make a difference, and our students benefit from those efforts. One of the greatest opportunities and responsibilities we have as a school is to create a feeling of community. I often stress the importance of knowing and recognizing everyone’s story because it is the combination of all of our stories that make our community what it is. It can sometimes be a challenge to get to every individual, but I want to applaud our staff for their ongoing work to individualize instruction and continuing to focus on working with individual students to help identify specific strategies and reflect on those strategies as they continue to grow and develop as learners. This month is also the time in the year when we start planning forward for the upcoming year. Our 9th-11th grade students have been working on selecting their courses for the 23-24 school year, which provides a great time to talk with your student about the importance of aligning their schedule to their goals beyond BDCHS. High school is the time for students to explore their interests and their options. Given we are fortunate to be in a smaller school setting we are able to offer a wide variety of course offerings and dual enrollment, each providing unique experiences for students. As we start a new year, it is always important to remember the impact we have on others. Our words and actions matter every moment of every day. Take time to say thank you. Take time to tell someone you appreciate them. Take time to enjoy the little moments. There is much to be grateful for here at BDCHS. I am thankful for our students, staff, and I am grateful to be a part of a community that values education. I appreciate the unwavering support from our families. On behalf of the BDCHS faculty and staff, we wish everyone a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year! With great Phoenix Pride, Cheryl Fernandez Principal
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Today was UGLY SWEATER DAY! Here are just a few of the sweaters worn by our administrators, teachers, and support staff. Happy Holidays!
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Ugly Sweater Day
Ugly Sweater Day
Ugly Sweater Day
The Spanish National Honors Society recently held their induction ceremony. Thank you to our student leaders, parent volunteers, teachers, and advisor, Ms. Caraballo for a fun night of food, games, and celebration. Artwork made by our student artists was also on display.
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
SNHS Induction
SNHS Induction
SNHS Induction
SNHS Induction
The Grinch made an appearance at BDCHS! Thank you to Ms. Camilla, our office receptionist for turning the main office into Whoville. Happy Holidays to our school community!
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Assistant Principal Healey recently attended Lutz Preparatory School's High School Options Night to speak with prospective families and share about what makes BDCHS SOAR! #BDCHS #Phoenix #SchoolofExcellence #PublicCharter
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Lutz Prep
Mr. Healey
There is still time to donate! The Giving Tree, a community service project sponsored by La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica- Capítulo Norma Collazo Matassini runs through Wednesday, December 21st. Take an ornament from the tree located in the Media Center. Each ornament has a donation item. Please bring your gift by December 21st. All donations will go to CASA, ST. Petersburg, an organization that helps survivors of domestic violence.
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Giving Tree
Join us tonight!
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Winter Concert
The Giving Tree, a community service project sponsored by La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica- Capítulo Norma Collazo Matassini starts on Monday, December 5th through Wednesday, December 21st. Beginning on December 5th, take an ornament from the tree located in the Media Center. Each ornament has a donation item. Please bring your gift by December 21. All donations will go to CASA, ST. Petersburg, an organization that helps survivors of domestic violence.
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey
Giving Tree
Dear Phoenix Families, We will be holding an informational Student Progression Night on Monday, December 5th in our cafeteria beginning at 5:30 pm. This will be an information session on courses we offer for students next year, including academics, electives, and dual enrollment. We look forward to seeing all of our Phoenix students as we begin to plan for our course selections next year.
over 1 year ago, Matthew Healey