Phoenix Families,
I am so glad you are here with us and I am honored that you chose BDCHS as your school. At the beginning of the school, I mentioned that growth mindset would be an instructional priority this year and throughout the year you will hear me say, “Mindsets Matter.” It is up to us to make the best of our circumstances every day. School is a great place to learn new things, but it is up to you to apply them to your life both now and in the future. It is also the responsibility of all of our stakeholders to uphold this mindset as we work through challenges and grow.
It’s hard to believe that we are already halfway through the first quarter and as we approach the end remember to strive each day to make it a great day. It was great to see all of the families at conference night and many of functions that have been taking place on campus, including athletic events, bingo night, and PAC meetings.
Every day is an opportunity for you to be the best that you can be and our staff is dedicated to your success. You will face many challenges along your journey at BDCHS but we are excited to partner with families to ensure a quality educational experience. Our Friday advisory and club blocks have been a great success in providing our students with dedicated time to work together to achieve goals.
At BDCHS, we believe that there is a leader in every seat and we know that you will do amazing things in your life. We are excited to be a part of your success while you are in high school here at Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School and beyond!
Lastly, visit our new and improved BDCHS website for up to date information. This will be your one stop shop for all your BDCHS needs. The site is frequently updated with insights into what’s going on schoolwide and in our classrooms.
If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please reach out. We look forward to hearing from you and remember “Once A Phoenix, Always a Phoenix”.
Principal Fernandez