The Phoenix Robotics Team heads to Long Beach, California to compete in the 2022 MATE ROV Competition. This is the world championship where they will compete against many other teams across the globe. The students have already competed in the regional competition this year and came out on top. Now, after working non-stop to prepare their remotely operated vehicle (ROV) for the various trials that they will need to successfully complete, they have packed up and shipped all their equipment to Long Beach. The team will work for a week getting their ROV to pass safety checks and be ready to perform various demonstrations for the judges. They will also present their ROV in front of a panel.  The mission of MATE is to inspire and challenge students to learn and creatively apply science, technology, engineering, and math to solving real-world problems in a way that strengthens critical thinking, collaboration, entrepreneurship, and innovation. BDCHS is very proud of Phoenix Robotics and our STEM initiatives.